What is Asphalt Repair Hamilton?

Every asphalt surface is subject to deterioration over time. Heavy traffic, chemical spills, harsh weather conditions, water penetration and UV ray exposure are all factors leading to the untimely deterioration of asphalt and thus its need for repair. Our professional asphalt repair Hamilton process includes the removal of the affected areas and its replacement with new hot asphalt. Before the new hot asphalt is set, the underlying base is reworked and compacted. Any soft spots are addressed, and more base is added as needed. The hot asphalt is applied and compacted to its needed depth, usually applied in two layers. Once compacted and flush with the existing asphalt surface, the perimeter of the new asphalt area is beaded with hot rubber. This ensures that water is unable to penetrate any gap between the new and existing asphalt. Once complete, the new asphalt patch is roped off from all impeding traffic for the duration of its curing time. There are numerous situations where our professional asphalt repair Hamilton services are the efficient and effective solution to the problem. Asphalt potholes, catch basin repairs, cut out and patch areas and heaving asphalt areas are some of the situations we are called out to address. Contact us today to book your free on-site consultation to see how our professional hot asphalt repair Hamilton service is the solution to your problem!
Recent Asphalt Repair Hamilton Projects

This Asphalt Repair in Hamilton took place at an Esso Gas Station. The asphalt was cracked, heaving and in need of a cut and patch asphalt repair service. The affected areas were marked out with chalk line and closed off to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Asphalt Repair Hamilton projects include the removal of old asphalt and addition of new, hot asphalt. The new asphalt was applied and compacted to ensure flush with existing asphalt surface. This asphalt repair Hamilton project was successfully completed, and the area was open again for vehicle traffic the next day.

This Asphalt Repair Hamilton Project took place at a home SPA. It consisted of asphalt that had sunken and needed to be rectified to ensure proper water run off. The asphalt repair project involved cutting and removing damaged asphalt, replacing with hot asphalt and compacting to ensure the water flowed away from the structure. This project was completed on a weekend to ensure there was no obstruction to the business operations.

Asphalt Repair Potholes Hamilton

Whether on a commercial parking lot or a roadway, potholes are both unsightly and a danger both pedestrian and vehicle traffic alike. Large and deep potholes can cause extensive damage to vehicles and create an opportunity for injury for susceptible pedestrians. Leaving asphalt potholes unattended also leaves the rest of the asphalt surface prone to water damage and base sinkage. Our hot asphalt repair Hamilton service is the best way to address potholes in your asphalt structure. The affected area is marked out to ensure all unsavable asphalt is removed and replaced with new hot asphalt. The desired surface area of asphalt is cut out and removed, the base is recompacted and the new hot asphalt is laid onto the base. Now, where there used to be a hole, there is a new asphalt surface that is flush with the existing structure. For a less permanent but cheaper fix, the asphalt repair Hamilton can be completed without any cuts. The pothole can be coated with a binder and filled with hot asphalt. There is no more danger to vehicles and pedestrians and the entire asphalt structure is safe from further deterioration. To address the potholes on your asphalt surface, contact now for your free onsite asphalt repair consultation!
Asphalt Repair Hamilton Cut and Patch

Once the asphalt surface goes too long without maintenance, it loses
ts elastic component, and it starts to crack. If the cracks go unaddressed, eventually too many cracks form and the asphalt needs to be replaced. The deteriorated asphalt can be addressed by being cut out and replaced with new asphalt. Many commercial parking lots are repaired by removing sections of asphalt that have deteriorated and replacing them with new asphalt as need be. This allows the damaged and unsightly area to be replaced, prevents the damage from spreading to further areas of the asphalt surface and eliminates the costly need to replace the entire asphalt surface. Our cost effective and efficient solution of cutting and patching with new hot asphalt is the perfect way to repair and maintain your asphalt surface with limited disruptions to your daily operations. Contact us now to set up your free onsite consultation for your asphalt repair Hamilton project.

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